| Rutland Fuel Company
Delivery Options
The Rutland Fuel Company provides delivery of heating oil, kerosene, and low-sulphur diesel fuel to homes and businesses throughout Rutland County, Vermont.
photo by A.J. Marro Copyright 2009 Rutland Herald |
| Our delivery system, which combines computer technology with hands-on analysis, continues to guarantee our customers' warmth, as it has for more than 90 years. Contact us at 802-773-7400.
Heating Oil Delivery Options:
Automatic Oil Delivery
the benefits of worry-free warmth when you choose Automatic Oil
Delivery. Rutland Fuel's Automatic Oil Delivery means you never have to
check your tank. We take the hassle out of heating your home or
business by monitoring your usage for you. We use the most modern
computerized degree-day system to ensure that our customers stay warm.
Factors such as weather, burner efficiency, and customer requirements
are analyzed by Rutland Fuel on an ongoing basis to ensure timely and
efficient oil delivery. While almost anyone can benefit from Automatic
Oil Delivery, this method is especially suitable for participants in
our various Programs.
Our customers who choose Automatic Delivery will remain on Automatic
Delivery unless they notify us that they wish to change their delivery
"Will Call" Oil Delivery
the flexibility of ordering a specific amount of oil at a time of your
choosing when you pick this option. Many of our customers prefer to
order oil according to their own varying needs and schedule. Rutland
Fuel's "Will Call" Oil Delivery provides this flexibility. "Will Call" Oil Deliveries are subject to a 100-gallon minimum. Customers
who choose this option need to be mindful that oil deliveries outside
of Rutland City are scheduled with Automatic Deliveries in those areas.
We recommend that customers outside of Rutland call us at the beginning
of the week to ensure the fastest "Will Call" Delivery to their
| |
Customer Pick-Up Service
pick-up is useful for those times when your needs or budget require an
amount of fuel less than the minimum 100-gallon delivery. If you want to fill a
5-gallon container, for example, you can use the customer kerosene pump located at our office. Kerosene is more refined than heating oil, and poses no problem for use with oil burners. If you are a "will call" customer who finds that you often
forget to check your tank, pick-up service means that you have the
power to avoid running out of fuel, even if you are not prepared to order a minimum 100-gallon delivery.